Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Dear God.. don't let me puke, don't let me die..

Last night on the train half way from varranasi to agra The room got dark, i became dissy, disorientated, feverish, and had a great desire to puke. Because a girl in the group had been noked out for 2 days resulting in a hopsital visit... i was freaking out. Especially since i had been bitten by alot of misquitoes the day before all i could think of was the word malaria...I layed there trying to get the room to stop spinning and for the chills to stop. I prayed with a sense of fear that i wouldn'tg et sick in the middle on nowhere on a train and that i wouldn't get malaria... Luckily It only lasted 2 hours and the gravel i found in my bag seemed to work... but this morning i am still feeling a little off... and by a little i mean alot.

Coincidenatly, i am now on my own. The 2 girls i was traveling with REALLY wanted to go one palce and I wanted to go another.. so they, along with another girl, are going to a small vilage and I go to jaipur tomorrow after 24 hours near the taj mahal. I think on the 19th were all meeting up in delhi for 2 days before everyone flies out for either home or more travels. I think this alone time is exacly what i needed... I loved my traveling companions.. but i think we all needed some space.. as was apparent by the general crankyness in the group as of late.

I'm so glad that even though ive been a little sick here and there (sinuses, 1/2 a day of diareha and malaria pill induced gass) up until now i havn't been really that sick. I really hope my immunse system can handle whatever it is fighting right now because with only 5 days left in this country i have SO much to see and so little time...

i will miss it here.

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