Friday, July 01, 2005

um.. i will not squat cus i have diareha and it aint pretty!

wow.. last night was crazy. The mass was awsome but trying to get back to the hotel ended up more complicated then expected. Between the mass of children that came from the garbage shacks that jumped us for our water (i thought it was cute but some of us were a little freakd out), the other masses of street kids that wanted attention(which was fun but exhausting and left my head black with sut), and the moter rickshaw ride of DEATH (playing chicken with big cabs in a wood/metal moterized cart is a BAD idea... o trying to ram a bus was not good either!) by the time we finally got home i needed a beer. So for 90 rubees (2.50) we got to try 650 ml of kingfisher strong. Finally relaxed i showered and was in bed by 10.

Now it is Canada day and our first da of volunteering. Although i don't start full days until monday, In the morning i am at Daya dan with disabled children and in the afternoon i'm at Kaligat with the dying and destitute. Wake up call was at 5 am but i had long been up. My malaria pills are giveing me interesting dreams and I think i'm on Canada time because by 2 am i was getting up every 40 min or so... Mass was at 6, a quick breakfast, and then off to volunteering at 730 in the morning.

The kids are great! So innocent... i held one child in my hands for almost an hour becaus he just wanted to be held.. my heart broke for him. His legs are malformed so he can't stand on his own and he is mentally handicaped so only actions are communicatable.

I wore a canadian flag sticker and it was a hit with several of the kids... by the end of the day the sticker had traveled and had been stuck and restuck to every part of my/their face imaginable... i think the flashy red was a good thing..hehe
anway, i need to shower... until next time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's pretty intense josh. i hope you're doing well...