Wednesday, July 13, 2005

ok so my malaria pills are giving me painful gass...

Its been a wierd 24 hours... Last night we eat at a Western resturant to give our bellies a break which was awsome.. but the walk home was really trying for some. I had walked ahead with one of the girls in the group because she had to be somewhere so I wasn't around when this happened... but I guess a local grabed one of the girls in our group in the crotch as he walked by! I guess it happened so fast that no one realizsed what exactly had happened... but Nick.. one of our guys.. realized that atleast somthing had happened and he gave the guy a shot to the head. I guess they realized they weren't going to get away with it so the guys friend appoligised. Then 10 min later one of the local drug dealers grabed andrew by the arm. Now still stired fomr the incident 10 min before andrew pushed the guy back.. and the man fell to the ground. Soon the guy is threating to take revenge and threating to kill andrew... when the group finally got away from it all they were a little shook up...

On a side note... a friend how had come to visit and was on his way home(hes from sweden) was kicked in the back my 2 teenagers driving by on a motercycle. So it seems that ALL the crazies were out last night.

This morning i had my bad luck but of a different nature... monsoon rains were heavy and the street in frunt of the hotel was flooded with calve deep water... and well if you know how clumzy i am i'm sure your not surprised that I triped on a submerged rock and did a back flip into the water...which is the mixed with the pee and poop that is daily distributed along the sie of the road. Then we get into a taxi and as I try to estimate the damage i forget to look where we are going and soon realize that the taxi driver has gotten lost and has taken us to the wrong place.. o man.. got to love this city..hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you guys soo much..
i love your updates josh..
thanks for the pics.. and the true stories of calcutta.. how i do miss that place.. i am getting joyful tears reading each of your blogs.. :)