Saturday, July 02, 2005

some days are harder then others...

This city has a way of stretching you to the brink. The rest of yesturday was emotionally draining. The girls in our group are having a hard time dealing with the kind of danger that exists for women in this country. The several "incidents" that have occured in the last couple days turned last nights group meeting into a venting ground which left many in tears and hystaria. The men in the room served as soundoff booths trying to give the support that we knew the women needed. By the end we all needed to get out... Luckily it was Canada day and witht he help of some non-canadians we returned to an easier mood on a 9th floor roof padio with beer and chips...

Today at daya dan was the hardest so far. The day started ok as we returned to familier faces. I already have favourites.. Some of their faces shin with so much love and brightness that that make you want to love them and take them home. Today though, the energy of the place was a little off. Between the massive tantrums, the crying, and the fact that almost every kid peed their pants (covering me) I was wiped when i got off today. I'm still loving it but i'm realizing that this is not going to be a walk in the park.. especially when i start at Kaligat in 2 days.

still, the smiles of these kids makes everything worth it. I held this one kid for an hour... blind, he jsut wanted to be held and sung too... i'm not sure if my singing is good for much... but it made him happy, which in turn made me happy...

Tomorrow is a new day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really... i dont know if i can keep reading these. i can't even imagine what it would be like to be there because i'm crying just reading about it. you guys are brave.