Friday, July 15, 2005

I think the weather is getting to me...

My sinuses are leaking like faucets and i think i have an ear infection. BUT i love this place. It is fustrating sometimes and really it is the dirtiest city i've ever been too.. But there is a character to this city that makes up for everything. On our day off yesturday dipite the lousy monsoon rains we went to the village we had gone the week before and once again were met with smiling faces. The day was spent playing with the children and drinking chi in the homes of different people. Going was probably a bad idea because i havn't been sleeping well as of late... and by supper time i had developed a full blown cold. Even so i went to volunteer this morning and ended up on cleaning duty for most of the time i was there. By the kids lunch time unfortunatly my head had had to much and I had to go home to rest. My time of volunteering is nearing its end.. only a few more days until this part of the trip is finished... I wish we had longer. I think that at some point I will have to come when i have more time to give and more money to allow me to stay. This country has so much to offer and disite the mass poverty there is alot of love here and it is infectious...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes josh. it is true.. so much love.. they may have nothing. but they have eachother and they do everything together. even brush their teeth! its sooo wonderful..
im glad to hear that you went back to that village to see those people. who all went with you?

i will continue to pray for you and the group.

take care,