Sunday, July 17, 2005

yah.. the sun is out and i'm feeling a little better.

Taking the day of yesturday was definatly a good idea. I slept mostly and with the exception of a little errond running i had to do in the afternoon and meeting up for a beer on the roof with some fellow traverlers, i really didn't do much. The roof party was a good idea. Jeremy bought an indian drum the other day and we alredy had guitars so we had the chance o jam on the roof... it was awosme beause we could see people on other roofs comming out to listen. Goo times...

I think the only crappy thing that happened was what we say a few buildings away. Under a light we say a man throw is sun into a wall and then proceed to smash his head again the wall several times... I yelled as loud as I could threatening to kick his ass to try and get him to stop. Though i'm not sur eif he understood english, he understood the anger in my voice and the violence stopped. i know that all i did was stop the immidiate violence and i'm sure it will happen again. I am not a violent man.. in fact those who know me probably would laugh at the idea of me even trying to fight... but for a moment I wanted so much to go over there and thrown the man's head again the wall to show him how it feels. Of course that woudl not have solved anything and only would have made me feel better. Thus im stuff in an infant like state unable to do anything... my heart breaks for that boy.


Anonymous said...

Wow! It's so awesome that I can sort of follow you through this journey. I'm so happy that your having a good time. I think its great that you know that what you are doing for these people is changing their lives, and probably saving some too. Your such an inspiration! Hope you start feeling better.
The Pictures are great keep 'em coming...hope the rest of your trip is safe, fun and inspirational - which im sure it already is.
I will keep you in my prayers!
Hope the rest of your trip will be as good as it has been!
Missing you,

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see and witness through you Josh, the people and acts that you have experienced. Away from the comfort of luxuries and what we have labeled necessities in our life, to a place where food and shelter are daily concerns. I hear you telling of people who are joyed to have you in their company and offer you food (which they have so little of) for nothing in return. It gives us all a glimpse of what it is we have been slowly burying away in ourselves. Fearing to give up what we do not need and even what we do need to another.
You being there Josh has surely helped many of these people. Your encouragement has shown them that you value their life as much as any other.

And as much love as there is there, you see that there is also hate. People cheating people. People hurting people. I am grieved to hear what you have seen and pray that you are safe and continue to be a strong example for those there. So few have had a chance to experience God and his word and so you are for some the only one that will ever bring that to them. May you continue to be a loving person for these people and may you grow from your time left there.

- Robert.